Monday, April 27, 2015


These kids were so cute with the valentines-it was a new activity for some of them!   I love having the privilege of being part of some of their "firsts."


Space is always my favorite unit, but the unit on bugs is a close second.   We talk about bugs, act like bugs, create bugs (with playdoh), dance to bug songs ("The ants go marching one by one" and "flight of the bumblebee."   We have a new microscope and looked at bug parts under the microscope.   Also pictures is some of the kids working on the dinosaur puzzle.  They LOVE the dinosaur puzzle. 

Starting our unit on space

We had a mini-unit last week on Earth Day-we are, after all, called to be stewards of this Earth.   This led quite nicely into my FAVORITE unit-space!   Today we made glow in the dark rolling art, talked about Gravity, and how there is no sound in space.   Fun stuff!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Sock hop

Here are some snapshots from the sock hop!!   Your kids were ADORABLE!!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Getting ready for Valentine's Day!

Here are a few snapshots of the last few days as we have been getting ready for Valentine's Day!
Working together on a counting activity. 

Paint is always fun.  

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Ice, ice baby

This week and next week, we are learning about winter and cold weather animals.  Here are a few of the kids playing with "snow" and ice.  You should have seen their faces the day I told them we were going to make ice.  They were sooo excited. It was priceless!    We froze the water  in different size containers and after they froze we watched them melt as the heat from our bodies (and room) melted them.  The kids also got to guess which container the ice was frozen in based on its shape.