Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Blind Faith

Walt being silly!

As previously stated, we're talking about our five senses, focusing on sight and touch this week.  The kids are getting to put on inexpensive (dollar tree) reading glasses to see how they actually do make you see differently. 

To show how our senses work together, I blindfolded the kids and let them fingerpaint, not being able to see the colors.  This was a challenge.  I loved watching them trying to feel around the easel searching for the paper.

At our second group time, we expanded this and talked about people who are blind.  We all closed our eyes and imagined trying to read without being able to see.  They agreed it would be impossible. I have a couple of Braille alphabet cards and they passed them around as I explained how many blind people actually learn how to read with how fingers.  My hope in this is that they are astonished and amazed at how God provides for this group of the population by providing Braille as a method of communication. 

This makes me smile.

Where's the paper?????


  1. I love getting the whole explanation on the blog! I heard most of it from Olivia, but was a little confused by the question, "Do you know what God give blind people?" The answer was Braille, and she was a bit confused that I didn't know the answer instantly!

  2. By the way, I like to comment so that you don't feel like you are shouting to an empty room!
